Paul and Sarah

Just because not everyone lives in the most beautiful place in the world! :)

August 30, 2006


That is how my life has been since I've been home. So I know that I said that pictures were coming soon, but I have to amend it to say they are still coming, just not necessarily as soon as I thought! :)
School has started off in the typical fashion. Paul is actually teaching this year since the Special Ed. Math Department decided to do away with the computer program that they were using. It's great for him because he actually gets to feel useful! I started the year as a straight 5th grade but 3 days into school was switched to a 5/6. I'm slowly finding my place at Chinook and getting used to teaching 5th and 6th graders! :) Needless to say we are both excited for the 3 day weekend coming up! :)

August 09, 2006

They're coming, they're coming!

I know that posting a blog without pictures is sort of boring, but I don't have my pictures in any format where I can put them on line yet, so just a little bit longer! Despite some impending storm clouds and a hurricane that fizzled out, I'm now officially Sarah Hemry! Well, actually only in the state of Hawaii so far, but I'm hoping to get the marriage certificate soon to make it official in Alaska as well! :) I have to say that I had a few concerns given that I did most of the booking of things online, but it totally exceeded my expectations! The location was absolutely, amazingly, breathtaking! That morning Paul and I spent time just bobbing in the ocean with friends! It was an excellent way to banish any pre-wedding jitters! But for those of you that love a little wedding drama, there was plenty of that, as after I got my dress on, I got shut in the elevator door, and then we got lost on the way to the ceremony! I definitely had some Bridezilla moments! Anyway, we are back in Alaska, and getting ready for school to start! No rest for the weary, I promise to get my pictures on here as soon as I can! I'm going to WalMart today to have them developed.